Friday, December 17, 2010

Anti-Semitic vandalism in Waxhaw

On Saturday December 4th, anti-Semitic vandalism was discovered at the Waxhaw Farmer's Market. It's been nearly two weeks and as far as I can tell, this hasn't been reported anywhere.

I'm not exactly sure why it hasn't been reported since I reckon this isn't a normal occurrence in our town. I can understand how this might seem like a blight on Waxhaw, but it'd be more of a blight for something like this to occur and essentially be ignored in my opinion. That's part of the reason I decided to bring it to light.

I received an email a few days ago from someone asking if I had heard about this happening. It was news to me, so I dug around a little bit and found out a little more about the incident. Here's some of what I have heard:

On the morning of the 4th, anti-Semitic vandalism was discovered by representatives of the Waxhaw Farmer's Market. A swastika and the words 'DIE JEWZ' were spray-painted on one of the vendor's tables.

A report appears to have been prepared by the Waxhaw police department since I was able to find a entry on CrimeReports dated 12/4/10 at 6.00am. It's my understanding that all crimes detailed on come directly from the Waxhaw police department.

Waxhaw Vandalism report - Dec 2010

I am told that the some suspects have been identified and that they local teenagers. No word on if the the suspected perpetrators have been charged with any crimes at this point. I sent an email to the Waxhaw Police to find out more information about the crime on Thursday afternoon, but have yet to hear back. If I hear anything, I'll update at that time.

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