Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Waxhaw Gazette out

Another new issue of the Waxhaw Gazette arrived last Friday.

Highlights include:

* The most thorough piece on Maxwell's Tavern that exists. Given the number of hits I get on Maxwell's Tavern posts, I imagine this will be well-visited by the restaurant curious.

* John heads to the Main Street Grill to get the lowdown on their new hours of operation and basically verifies the lunchtime hours that my valuable source Toula shared with us.

* Christmas Creep hits the Waxhaw Gazette as John provides info on the upcoming Christmas parade and Waxhaw light-up night. There's supposedly more info available at the town's website, but I couldn't find it. So the Waxhaw Gazette seems to be your place this info for now.

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