Sunday, November 7, 2010

Veteran's Day Remembrance Ceremony Thursday

UPDATE x2: Even worse, I just realized I was a week off. I made the corrections below and re-dated the post. A pretty major faux pas on my part.

A Veteran's Day Remembrance Ceremony was supposedly will be held today Thursday at noon. Per the town site:
Please join us for an afternoon of remembrance as the Town of Waxhaw honors those past and presently serving our country with a Veterans Day Remembrance Ceremony on Thursday, November 11 at noon. The ceremony will take place at the Military Wall of Honor in historic downtown Waxhaw. Call 704-843-2195 ex. 26 or for more information.
I'm not sure if it was held or not due to the rain. Last year's was postponed due to inclement weather.

UPDATE: Fixed embarrassing typo in title.

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