Sunday, July 3, 2011

UPDATE: Elections in November

The Enquirer-Journal has an article about seats open for election this fall in Union County. For those following every twist and turn in Waxhaw politics, the election is scheduled for 11/8 and three positions will be open.

The mayor position is up for election as mentioned long ago when Lisa Thornton announced her intention to run for the position.

Two seats on the town board are also up for election -- Martin Lane's & Phillip Gregory's.

I've got emails out to the three of them to see if they all plan on re-running. I vaguely recall Phillip Gregory saying he wouldn't run for another term when filling Brian Haug's old seat, but I couldn't find a quote along those lines when I looked.

UPDATE 6/29: I heard back from Mayor Gardner that she does intend to run for re-election. Does anyone else out there intend to run or can local media start working on their Daune v. Lisa graphic art now?

I still have received no word on whether Martin Lane or Phillip Gregory plan to run for re-election. Maybe they're looking to keep the oppo researchers off their heels for as long as possible. Such is the life of a of a politician in the cutthroat world of Waxhaw politics.

UPDATE 7/3: Yet another update: Martin Lane responded to me last week and while he thought he'd likely run again, he hasn't made an official decision yet. Phillip Gregory also emailed me yesterday to let me know he intends to file for re-election as well.

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