Sunday, August 28, 2011

Question on after school programs

I explained what a bleg is earlier this year, so here is another one. No one got back to me on the last one, so hopefully I have better luck this time around.

If anyone knows who to speak to about starting an after-school program in local Union County elementary schools (something similar to KidzArt), please drop me an email. I'm particularly curious if it has to be initiated at the county level or if schools would need to be approached on a one-by-one basis. Thanks in advance.

And don't worry as I won't be the one running the after-school program. Although now that I think about it, maybe I can finally cash in on this blogging thing by having a 'How to blog about Waxhaw' after-school program in the elementary schools. Any parents interested in something like this? If it helps, I promise in advance not to devote any time to moonshine.

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