Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Leo's Kitchen coupon

Just a quick note that we received some Leo's Kitchen (mentioned earlier here) coupons last week in the mail before the store has even opened. Other local restaurants should take notes as Leo's Kitchen is putting you all to shame.

They came in one of those Valupack (or some other similar sounding name) that come periodically in the mail. One of those things where the vast majority get thrown in the trash, but there's one or two worth holding onto if you spend the time to look through them all.

And I can't find the coupon either at this point, so hopefully my wife didn't throw it out. If she did, she's well on her way to making a very powerful enemy.


randdmom said...

Hi Kaliph - I saw the coupon online last week while trying to find a full menu for them. The fact that they will deliver is reason enough for me to be excited for the opening! Anyway, here is the link, hope it works.

klf said...

That's the one, randdmom. Thanks for sharing the link. My wife can rest a little easier now for sure. ;-)

Thanks again.