Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Historic district vote fails 3-2

The Enquirer-Journal is the first to have the story. A snippet:
Waxhaw commissioners voted 3-2 to reject the proposed historic district overlay.

Though Waxhaw already has national historical recognition, the overlay was being looked at to provide more protection for the town’s historic buildings and character.

Commissioners made their decision Tuesday night after several comments from the public and a long discussion among board members.
Based on the information in the article, it appears Joyce Blythe and Phillip Gregory seem to have two of the three voting against the historic district, while Erin Kirkpatrick likely voted for it.

Anyone know which way Brett Diller and Martin Lane voted?

UPDATE: I heard back from the always helpful Mike McLaurin with the answer to my question: Brett Diller voted for the historic district and Martin Lane voted against it.

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